Friday, October 5, 2012

Baby Balooza

      My brother and his girlfriend finally had their baby. Contractions started Sunday and Aurora Paige was finally born Thursday afternoon. At the hospital, they had almost their entire extended family there. When the baby was being born, my brother's girlfriend's mother insisted on being in the delivery room and outside of the room, my mom, a great aunt, a sister-in-law, and a friend all had their ears pressed to the door to hear the baby's first cries.

The baby weighed 5 lbs 11 ounces and was 48 inches long.

      I worked 12 hours Wednesday night and when I got home at 6 Thursday morning, I got the call that they were heading to the hospital. I went directly to the hospital and ended up having to take a nap in the waiting room around noon because the baby still hadn't been born yet. She was born just before 6pm so when I hit the bed at 10, I immediately fell asleep. I have never been so tired in my life so I admire Aurora's parents who didn't sleep well the night before.
      Halloween is fast approaching and Friday I am going shopping for my decorations. I plan on going crazy at the Halloween store because anything I buy I can use for props in any movies I want to make later on. I've already made two bottles of fake blood. I had to make two because the first ended up a purple color so I figured for human blood I probably needed more of a red color. At least now I have some alien blood.
      I wrote my first script the other day at work. I have a couple filmmaking books that I bought when I first got my camcorder and I started reading that at work too. I'm hoping to be able to make a short film after New Years. I want to get a few more lights and I'm hoping to get a better camera before then. I have all of the equipment to build a light stand and I'd really like to build a dolly before I start filming a lot. I like my job because I have a surplus of time to think up ideas and write scripts.

Movie of the Day: What to Expect When Your Expecting

Song of the Day: The Song That Never Ends from the Lamb Chop tv show


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