Monday, January 9, 2012

How do you measure a year?

      I started to get sick of looking at job websites so balance this I put in the dvd of Rent on Broadway. This always makes me feel better because for one the music is awesome and two because the play is inspiring to all of us whose lives are out of control. I made the mistake of watching the extras which were about the last show on Broadway and how the cast and crew said goodbye - this left me slightly more depressed because I never got to see it on Broadway and now I never will. The good thing is that it is still played other places and I will always have the movie and the last showing on Broadway.
      I will always love Rent because it was the first thing that ever opened me up to the idea of homosexuals, transvestites, and AIDS. I grew up in upstate New York. If you don't know, this place is as close to redneck as it could get - even being in New York. I have relatives who were in the KKK and I went to an all white school. My father, although thankfully not religious, was very conservative. I grew up with the ideas that blacks and hispanics were lesser people who didn't like to work, homosexuality was against God and there were certain jobs that women shouldn't do. I was a junior in high school before anyone ever asked me what I believed and if I ever doubted my parents' beliefs. Rent opened my eyes that maybe other types of people were truely as equal as me. I honor Rent with being the first to allow me to question everything I knew about politics, religion, and humanity in general.

Here is a clip I love because I love rent and I love Regis:
       In other news, I am still working on the Percy Jackson series and now I am on the fourth book. I am hoping it will kickstart my writing. There is a new magazine taking submissions for Spy stories that I have found. I think it will be a really good read. Here is the link SpyFi Magazine if you would like to submit a story (ficition or nonfiction) or pictures.

Movie of the Day: Rent (obviously)
Song of the Day: Seasons of Love - from Rent (also obviously)

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