Tuesday, January 24, 2012



      Okay, now that's out of my system, I had my interview and drug test for a security job on Thursday and Friday. I figured I would be working by this Friday so I quit at the factory. I still haven't got the call to go for training yet though so now I'm anxious.
      I've been having a pretty rotten week so far because my dog is sick. She is a six year old Rottweiler who is normally full of energy but I think she has stomache cancer because she can't keep most food down and she won't move very much at all. We've moved her from her coop into the carport so that she'd stay warm and we give her asprin to keep her comfortable. I cried all the way to my drugtest on Friday and I spent most of Saturday outside with her. I don't have the money to take her to the vet and I don't think I could handle them putting her to sleep. I figure if it's illegal to kill people, why can't dogs have a chance. I know she's going to die but as long as she's on medication and not in pain I don't see why she can't live as long as she can. It's sad because I watched some videos on youtube where Rottweilers and babies played together and it hurts to know that none of my kids will every get to know this great dog. Here's a video I made of her:

Movie of the day: Hatchi a Dogs Tale
Song of the day: Until the Day I Die by Story of the Year

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